Monday, February 11, 2013

Valentines Day Cartoon Arts for Kids

Valentines day cartoons are colorful arts for kids:

Cartoons are magnificent art forms drawn by hand which attract one and all. There are experts in the cartoon field who are called cartoonists. If cartoons are made as 2D or 3D animation it is lovely to watch for kids as well as adults. Kids always love to watch cartoons of their favorite story or heroes. Valentine day cartoons are more attractive as Cupid is the center of attraction for the kids.

Cartoon images and story related to Valentines day impart knowledge to kids, with a mixture of art and fun. Lot of creativity goes behind drawing cartoons. It is the best way to keep the kids engaged during their holidays.

Valentines day celebration

Valentines day is celebrated all over the world, every year on February 14. It is an annual commemoration to celebrate love and affection, for the intimate companions. The images with heart-shaped outline, doves, and the figure of winged Cupid are a few of the modern Valentines day symbols.

Around the 17th century, valentine's day became well known in the United Kingdom. And during the middle of 18th century, it became a common practice, in all levels of society to exchange tokens of love or handwritten notes. Printed cards replaced hand written letters as the printing technology got developed.

It became easier to express emotions and feelings, whenever direct expression of emotions was discouraged. In the USA, young men and women began exchanging hand written Valentine notes during the early years of 17th century. Esther A. Howland was the first to sell mass produced Valentine's day greeting Cards, in the USA.

Valentines day cartoons and story

The story behind this celebration is quite interesting.

Ancient Rome

Beginnings go back more than 2000 years, to the days of ancient Rome. Every February, the citizens of that city which can still be found in today’s Italy, had a holiday honoring Juno, their goddess of women and marriage.

During the celebration, young men and women hold a slip of paper from a large vase. A name was written on the paper. And that would be the person’s partner for a two days celebration starting the following day, a celebration honoring Lupercus, a Roman god who is said to bring good luck.

Selecting partner

Lupercus and Juno

It wasn’t until hundreds of years later that the holidays honoring Lupercus and Juno changed to honor a man named Valentine. Valentine was a Christian priest.
St. Valentine

When Claudius the II, the King of Rome declared it unlawful for young men to marry. He wanted them to be soldiers in far away lands. He thought that if the young men were married, they would worry about their wives back home and so wouldn’t make very good warriors.
St. Valentine secretly married young couples
Valentine disobeyed the king and secretly married many young couples. When Claudius found out about it, he sent Valentine to prison. But the priest was very popular. And people threw messages and flowers to him. Those messages and flowers are believed to be the world’s first Valentine’s greetings.
After Valentine died, he was named a holy person, a Saint. Over the years, other people named Valentine also became saints. But the first one, the priest who secretly married young men and women is remembered most.

Sometimes, funny riddles are written on Valentine’s Day cards like these. Kids love to read such cards.

What did the boy Octopus say to the girl Octopus? 
 Can I hold your hand,hand..hand…hand?

What did one snake say to the other snake?
Give me a little hug and a hiss.

What is the Vampire’s sweet heart called?
His ghoul friend.

Why did the banana go out with the prune?
Because he couldn’t get a date.

What did the stamp say to the envelope?
I am stuck on you.

Moreover, people often report that they can feel their heart beating faster when they are near the one they love.  But today we know that the person’s brain controls her or his feelings, not the heart.  Nobody knows for certain why people fall in love.
 But according to legend, this is the one who is responsible.  His name is Cupid and you often see him on Valentine’s Day cards and decorations.

The ancient Romans said that Cupid was the son of Venus, their goddess of love. Sometimes he is called damn Cupid. The ancient Romans said that damn Cupid would look for someone and then shoot an arrow into her or his heart. The arrows were magical and couldn’t be felt. But they had a powerful effect on the person yet, because as soon as she saw who never happened to be nearby, she would immediately fall in love with him.
Kids love
Cupid's arrow
Sometimes, it didn’t make any sense to fall in love with that person. Perhaps he didn’t love her back. But it didn’t matter. That’s why we often say, Love is blind.

When your heart gets hit by Cupid’s arrow, according to legend, you have no power over your feelings.

Valentine day gifts:

The Valentine day gifts are given as a token of love. It may be from a lover or from the spouse. The gift is of great value. Special ideas for gifts are often thought by modern time lovers.

The Valentine day gifts may contain jewelry, cookies, flowers, Rose light Mini LED light, chocolate candies, Teddy Bear and balloons, gift certificates, water proof shower radio or music player, perfumes, heart pendants, Lingerie, concert or sporting event tickets, rented sports car for a day etc.

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